About Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is a flagship program of MHRD, Govt. of India to uplift the citizen in our villages and in rural India. Presently, 70% of the population in India lives in rural areas engaged in an agrarian economy with agriculture and allied sector employing 51% of the total work-force but accounting for only 17% of the country’s GDP. There are huge developmental disconnects between the rural and urban sectors such as inequity in health, education, incomes, and basic amenities as well as employment opportunities – all causing great discontent and large-scale migration to urban areas. To bridge the gap of urban and rural developmental differences and to uplift current rural India the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan of MHRD has collaborated with higher educational institutions of India such as Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar for bringing the mainstream industrial knowledge among the common people of rural India. Unnat Bhārat Abhiyān (UBA) is a much needed and highly challenging initiative in this direction.

Vision and Mission

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is inspired by the vision of transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India.

The Mission of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is to enable higher educational institutions to work with the people of rural India in identifying development challenges and evolving appropriate solutions for accelerating sustainable growth. It also aims to create a virtuous cycle between society and an inclusive academic system by providing knowledge and practices for emerging professions and to upgrade the capabilities of both the public and the private sectors in responding to the development needs of rural India.

Goals of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
  • To build an understanding of the development agenda within institutes of Higher Education and institutional capacity and training relevant to national needs, especially those of rural India.
  • To re-emphasize the need for fieldwork, stake-holder interactions, and design for societal objectives as the basis of higher education.
  • To stress on rigorous reporting and useful outputs as central to developing new professions.
  • To provide rural India and regional agencies with access to the professional resources of the institutes of higher education, especially those that have acquired academic excellence in the field of science, engineering and technology, and management.
  • To improve development outcomes as a consequence of this research. To develop new professions and new processes to sustain and absorb the outcomes of the research.
  • To foster a new dialogue within the larger community on science, society, and the environment and to develop a sense of dignity and collective destiny.
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Cell, Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan of Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University) is a socially active body headed by Dr. Suyash Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar. UBA, GKV has adopted 5 villages namely Village Bahadarpur Jat, Village Sarai, Village Ruhalki, Village Bahadarabad (CT), and Village Jagjeetput and has been actively conducted Awareness camps, Sanitation Drives, COVID 19 Awareness through E messages and Voice Broadcasts, Food Distribution and Mask Distribution camps were organized by UBA, GKV during this lockdown period.

We at UBA, GKV is committed to work for society and to help the people living in the nearby area who are not well aware of the govt. schemes and policies. It is a continuous work for the upliftment of society and we are not leaving any stone unturned for this mission.

  • E-Poster Competition on Defending Against COVID 19: Major theme:  Defending against COVID 19
  • Awareness Workshop in Village Bahadar Pur Jat
  • Awareness workshop on 19 March 2020
  • Distribution of food items in nearby are in march and April 2020
  • Gram Sabha at Village on 31 Jan 2020
  • UBA GKVV April 14, 2020


  1. Defending Jobs and opportunities during lockdown due to COVID 19 Pandemic
  2. Defending Health and being safe in COVID 19 Pandemic
  3. Defending Spreading of Virus Through Various Means
  4. Defending Society through Social Distancing
  5. Defending Kids and Family
  6. Defending Education and Exams
  7. Defending Personal hygiene and sanitation
  8. Defending against Fake News and Rumours
  9. Defending Economy Against lockdown
  10. Role of Science and Technology in Defending against COVID 19
  11. Miscellaneous/ Other Subtheme
  1. Only one entry per candidate is allowed, entry is free for all.
  2. Posters are to be made by hand only, computer-generated posters are not allowed
  3. The standard chart size is allowed for posters. The poster should clearly show the theme, name, and email of the candidate which should be written at the lower right-hand corner of the poster.
  4. The poster should be scanned or photographed with proper clarity and it should clearly show the name of the candidate otherwise the entry will be rejected.
  5. The poster should not be photographed with any person or object otherwise the entry will be canceled.
  6. Upload the poster in the pdf or JPG format with a size less than 5 MB
  7. The last date to submit the poster is 15 august 2020.
Poster Competition
Submit Your Poster Here

Dr. Suyash Bhardwaj

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University).


Contact: 9719580167, 7300761271

Email   : suyash.bhardwaj@gkv.ac.in