The Central Library of Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar is an inestimable treasure not only for the Uttarakhand but for the whole Country. Rare books and manuscripts on Indian knowledge and tradition (Literature, Religion, Philosophy, and Culture) are preserved in the reference section here. Besides literature, there are 194559 books on various ancient and modern subjects in the library. Around 22000 books are issued to the students of various courses and research scholars every year. Book bank facility for SC/ST students has also been started from the 2019-20 session. There is a separate section for Visually impaired students.

Around 84 national and international current journals are being subscribed to in print form for research. Besides there is 18 periodical Publication on Aryan literature are coming in the library. More than 8000 bound journals are available in the library.

The library also has subscribed 367 e-books; and 6500+ e-journals with bibliographic databases available in the library through E-Shodhsindhu. It is worth mentioning that 400 books and a few manuscripts have been digitized with the assistance of C-DAC project of the Government of India. Remote access of e-resources is available for registered members of the University through Ez-proxy. Urkund software access is also available for plagiarism checking.

List of subscribed Journal in Central Library

(1 April 2018-31March 2019) Name of the Title
1. Accst Research Journal
2. Allelopathy Journal
3. Applied Science Periodical
4. Biography
5. BioScience Research Bulletin
6. Botanical Review
7. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science (A) Zoology
8. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science (B) Botany
9. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science (C) Chemistry
10. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science (D) Physics
11. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science (E) Maths
12. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science (F) Geology
13. Contemporary South East Asia
14. Competition Affairs
15. Flora & Fauna
16. Global Journal of Business Management
17. GranthalayaVigyan
18. Indian Psychological Review
19. Indian Journal of Ecology
20. Journal of Indian Academy & Maths
21. Journal of Library & Information Technology
22. Journal of Indian Health Psychology
23. Journal of Indian Chemical Society
24. Library Process
25. National Geographic
26. Planta Medica
27. Professional Journal of Library and Information Technology
28. Scientific American
29. Swami News
30. SahityaAmrit
31. Triveni
32. Twentieth-Century Literature
33. Times Literary Supplement
34. The Mathematics Education


 List of Non- subscribed Journal in Central Library

(1 April 2018-31March 2019) Name of the Title
1. Arya Sandesh
2. Arya Maryada
3. Arya jagat
4. Arya pratinidhi
5. Arya jivan
6. Arya sansar
7. Humans Rights news letter
8. Kulbhumi
9. Kalyan
10.  पतंजलि विश्वविद्यालय प्रभा
 11. Radiance views  weekly
12. राष्ट्रधर्म
13. SAC Courier (Space application center) ISRO
14. The Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics
15 The Book review
16 University news
17 Vedic path
18 Vivekananda Journal of research


List of subscribed popular Magazine  in Central Library

                                        (1April 2018 31March 2019) Name of the Title
1.  मुक्तामसिक
News Events
3. Criminal
4. Cricket Samrat
5. SamanyaGyanDarpan
6. Hindi Gayanuday
7.  नवनीत मासिक
8.  कुरुक्षेत्र मासिक
9.  योजनामसिक
10. India today
11. Out look
12.  इंडिया टुडे
13.  सरिता – 1
14.  सरिता – 2
15.  विनीतामासिक
16. Tell me why
17. B.S.C.
18. प्रतियोगिता दर्पण
19. Open Soree – Monthaly
20. Digit monthly
21. कादम्बनी मासिक
22. E.F.Y.
23. Jr. Science Reporter
24. Reader digest
25. Com. Refresher
26. Science reporter
27. Computer sancharsuchana
28. Hans
29. Physics
30. Chemistry
31. Math
32. Bio


List of Newspapers in Central Library

(1April 2018 31March 2019) Title
1.  अमर उजाला
2.  दैनिक जागरण
3.  हिंदुस्तान
4.  राष्ट्रीय सहारा
5.  पंजाब केसरी
6. Times of India
7. Hindustan times
8.  स्वतंत्र चेतना
9. The Pioneer
10. The tribune
11. द ट्रिब्यून
English newspapers
1. The hindu
2. Business line
3. Business standard
4. बिजनेस स्टैंडर्ड्स
5. Indian Express
6. Economic times
7. The statesman
8. Employmen News
9. रोजगार समाचार